If you’re the symbolic type (I am), you could probably read something into the fog that rolled in late into Riza & Pat’s wedding. This was their third try and I’m not sure that anybody was 100% certain it would finally happen until the ‘I Do’s’ were finally out. Around this time last year we were supposed to be in Virginia Beach when, low and behold, Pat got deployed. Wedding postponed. No problem though. We all knew it was a possibility. So we just slid things back to April. What could go wrong? Welp, I’ll take global pandemics for $1000, Alex.
You could guess what happened next. April was off and we were back on for November… one year later. As the day approached we saw the rising cases and we’re afraid that Riza and Pat’s day would have another unforseen delay. Luckily we had bright skies and warm weather and the day was able to roll on. It was a thrill to shoot for these two very patient people… Sometimes it feels like there’s just a fog over 2020. These two faced it head on… literally. Enjoy.