Annette & Dominik in Mallorca, Spain (Part 1)

This post is a doozy. It’s not so much the week-long trip to Spain, the time difference, the massive amounts of paella and wine or the fact that Mallorca blew us away with it’s beauty and variety… All of that is true. Much more than that, it’s about these two people and the 80-ish people that flew with them from Germany, Switzerland and everywhere else.

Annette and Dominik get it. They love to have a good time and they had a GORGEOUS wedding. Even more than that, they love each other and the people in their lives. Over the course of the week, we got to see that over and over. It was in the emotion throughout the wedding day, but also in the time they spent enjoying every meal or exploring the island (more of that to come in a future post). Even when we couldn’t totally follow along with the German, Dominik was always quick to clue us in on what was happening… and the appropriate (or sometimes inappropriate) German words that would help us remember for next time.

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