Brea & Jon

So, there’s a lot of photos here. We totally understand if you skip this write up and dive right in. However, let us attempt to explain why you’re looking at so many photos. We’ll break it down into three primary reasons:

1) Brea and Jon aren’t a random couple that hired us. They’re our friends and they’re both wedding photographers themselves. We actually knew each of them before they knew each other. They’re best buds with Jim. Lindsay was at the wedding. A bunch of our wedding photography friends were there too. So pardon us if we’re a little biased and unable to restrain ourselves from posting a lot.

2) Brea and Jon know who they are. What that means is that they don’t just do things because they’re supposed to. Every aspect of their day was because it’s what THEY wanted to do. For people like us, that’s a dream. So you may notice that they got married in a pine forest with their friends standing around them (the same pine forest where we shot these). Did they get permission to do it? Nope. But that’s where they wanted to go and we rolled with it. I mean check it out. You won’t find a cooler place to have a ceremony.

3) Brea and Jon are people that allow themselves to feel things. They soak in the moments. They soak in hugs. They appreciate people. So when we see that kind of emotion and energy, we take a bajillion photos of it.

There’s a lot more reasons why this wedding was special to us, but we should probably just show you…

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