Tobi & David

There were quite a few times on Sunday when Tobi and David were (affectionately) referred to as nerds. After all, they bonded over Pokemon and David made some pretty incredible Lego flowers for the wedding. But there’s another word we would use: Brilliant. Not only did these two meet at MIT, but it felt like almost every one of nearly 200 guests was some sort of doctor or genius. At one point we saw somebody reading a philosophy book. For real. And, when Tobi’s sister Hannah had a wardrobe issue, you know there were surgeons nearby to sew that thing right back together.

It was a beautiful Sunday… until about 5 minutes before the ceremony. Everything got moved inside and we watched Tobi and David say yes while a flash flood raged outside. Luckily, Knowlton Mansion was well equipped and everything went swimmingly. Pun intended. See, we’re kinda smart too… right?

Ok, now I’m trying to hard. Let’s stick to what we know…

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