Haley & Ryan

We’ve had many rainy days in this line of work, but it’s pretty rare when there is a full day of rain without even a single moment of relief. It’s a strange catch 22 for situations like this. On one hand, we would never want a super rainy day to happen to such wonderful people as Haley & Ryan. We’ve gotten to know them. They’re amazing. They deserve the most wonderful day. On the other hand, if a day like this does come along, we are SO grateful that we are shooting people like them because we know that they can take things in stride and have an amazing time regardless.

It takes great people to have a plan diverted and to still have the time of their lives. That pretty much sums up Saturday. We always love this job, but nothing brings us more joy than getting to experience a day with people as caring and fun as this. Enjoy!

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