Davielle & Bernard

Bernard and Davielle first met in England, with Bernard being from Ireland. They now live in the US and have an international group of friends and family. From our first conversation, I sensed the immense excitement Davielle and Bernard had for bringing all their friends and family together from around the world to both meet and celebrate their marriage. That was in the before times. A couple reschedules later (and navigating travel restrictions), they were finally able to bring a good share of their people together at beautiful Trout Lake, one of our absolute favorite places to work.

Their patience was rewarded with a beautiful Spring day – a little brisk, but plenty of sun. I adored hanging out with Davielle, Bernard, and their people. They surround themselves with the best – some of the warmest, sweetest, fun-loving people I’ve met. It was enjoyable meeting the Irish/UK crew, and seeing them experience an American wedding with some Jewish touches. I don’t think too many knew what a Hora was!

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