Kristen & Brian

Saturday got off on an interesting foot. As we drove into Ridley Creek on a gorgeous fall day, we stumbled on a road closed sign. Then another. Then another… and so on. Turns out that Ridley Creek got hit with a tornado out of nowhere last week. All of us that worked there this weekend agreed: It couldn’t have happened at a better time than Kristen & Brian’s wedding. That sounds weird, I know. But if there were two people that were going to handle it super well and just have an amazing time, it was them. About 20 minutes into the day it seemed like everybody forgot about that stuff and it was on. We just had the best day with these guys.

Shout out to our friends at Peachtree Catering and Clover Event Co. for basically making the craziness a non-issue and letting Kristen and Brian enjoy every second of their day. We did too!

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